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Why is Faith Based Education Important?

9 October 2023

Why is Faith Based Education Important?

Catholic schools promote an educational philosophy in which faith, culture and life are harmonious. 

They build the foundation of faith and spiritual development, learning, teaching and the formation of culture and our society from Jesus Christ.

Catholic schools are more than just places where students are equipped with learning and skills for the workplace and responsible citizenship; they are communities where the spiritual, cultural and personal worlds within which we live form the roots from which grow our values, motivation, aspirations and the moral imperatives that inform our choices and actions as persons.

In this article, we’ll explore what makes a faith-based education so crucial to education and society as a whole — and what exactly defines it. 

What do Catholic Schools Represent?

Catholic schools assist parents in the education and religious formation of their children. They recognise parents as the primary and principal educators and provide support in this endeavour to raise children with the values of a Christian family based on the unchangeable values of the Gospel.

Catholic schools contribute to the creation of a highly educated, skilled and cultured society — and to the common good of society and its culture. The benefits of such an education are very much a public good whose benefits enhance the community.

What is Faith-Based Education?

Faith-based education in a Catholic school is based upon the following characteristics:

A Journey

The child's or young person's journey of faith into adulthood recognises that proper justice, peace, and human freedom requires, first and foremost, respect for the dignity of human life from conception until natural death.

A Sense of Morality

The common good requires that social conditions allow all people to reach their full human potential and realise their human dignity. Catholic schools provide a broad and balanced education that helps children and young people grow to their full human potential and pay regard to the formation of the whole person.

Students are cared for so that their physical, moral and intellectual talents may develop harmoniously to attain a greater sense of responsibility and correct use of freedom. 


The principle of subsidiarity recognises that social responsibilities should be carried out at the lowest and most local level of organisation and recognises the legitimate identity and autonomy of the human person, the family and local communities.

It means that Catholic schools will provide a learning environment and a partnership with families in which parents are encouraged and assisted to see the home they provide as their child's first and best school. The Catholic school has an educational philosophy in which faith, culture and life are brought into harmony.


A faith-based school cultivates personal values, enabling pupils to understand their communal obligations, personal aspirations and their role as citizens in society and the world.

Why is Faith-Based Education So Important?

  • Spiritual Development: Catholic schools provide a solid foundation for spiritual growth within students.
  • Moral Imperatives: Faith-based education instils moral imperatives that will guide the choices and actions of students all their lives.
  • Social Cohesion: Faith-based schools play a significant role in contributing to social cohesion by respecting the rights of parents and by maintaining educational diversity.
  • Diversity: In a multi-faith society, shared core values that promote respect for the rights and dignity of every human person are essential for social cohesion. Catholic school students are challenged to become confident and secure in their beliefs and be knowledgeable and respectful of other religions.
  • Holistic Education: Through faith, students arrive at a personal position that is consistent and respectful of others, contributing to their growth and a more complete understanding of the world in which we live.

Students from Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School in Ingham during class meditation.

How to Build a Strong Foundation in Faith for Students

To cultivate a strong foundation in faith for students, Catholic schools follow these practices:

  • Catholic Ethos: Catholic schools form an integral part of the local and universal church, creating an environment where the Catholic ethos is evident and open to all, promoting Gospel values and Church teachings that encourage commitment to social justice and the common good.
  • Religious Education: Faith is integrated into every aspect of the curriculum, with systematic religious education tailored to students' age and abilities. Their religious education considers the relationship between faith and life.
  • Prayer and Virtues: Personal and liturgical prayer, along with the cultivation of virtues, are integral to daily school life, shaping students' behaviour and conduct.
  • Social Justice: Catholic schools instil values that promote social justice and the common good, preparing students to be leaders committed to these principles. 
  • Pastoral Care: Spiritual needs and pastoral care are top priorities, ensuring that students' well-being aligns with the teachings of the Catholic Church. 
  • Centrality of Christ: Through symbols and displays, the Catholic faith and the centrality of Christ are prominently featured within the school, reinforcing their significance.

Through the manifestation of a catholic ethos that is evident and open to experience by all who enter the school, students begin a remarkable journey of faith during their years of schooling. 

Final Thoughts  

Faith-based education is instrumental in nurturing the most profound values, characteristics, and lessons in students. It serves as a beacon that guides them through their youth towards:

  • Responsible citizenship
  • Respect for the world and the diversity within it
  • A deep understanding of their place and role in the world

Townsville Catholic Education supports 29 Catholic schools in Australia that all promote inclusiveness, acceptance, and form a strong foundation in faith-based education. From Prep through to Year 12, all our students participate in religious education and develop their faith, spirituality, and responsibility.

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