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TMSG 30th Anniversary Dinner

9 February 2023 | Posted in Inclusive Education

TMSG 30th Anniversary Dinner

By Rebecca Rowan

Advisory Visiting Specialist for English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D)

Townsville Catholic Education

Recently, Townsville Catholic Education staff attended the Townsville Multicultural Support Group’s (TMSG) 30th Anniversary Dinner at The Ville.

TMSG is a local not-for-profit organisation subcontracted by Multicultural Australia Ltd to welcome and support people who arrive through the Australian Government Humanitarian Support Program and people who arrive as migrants to Townsville and surrounds.

Approximately 1 in 10 students enrolled in our schools have a language background other than English. We are committed to promoting education that is inclusive of all students’ language, cultural and religious backgrounds.  Diversity is a gift from God. We are enriched by the cultural and linguistic diversity of our staff, students and families and recognise it as a strength and asset.   

With special guest speaker, human rights lawyer and Principal at Townsville Community Law, Bill Mitchell delivering the keynote speech the evening also including the official launch of Unify Intercultural Australia.

Townsville Catholic Education Director of Learning and Teaching, Peter Stower said the event gave all the opportunity to reflect and give thanks to the work being achieved in our community.  

"The evening provided poignant reminders of the needs of migrants who relocate to another country far from their land of birth and the many challenges they face each day. It is wonderful to see the support that TMSG has delivered. It has been instrumental in the assimilation of those from other cultures into our North Queensland community," Peter said. 

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