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Readers Cup

6 September 2022 | Posted in Learning and Teaching

Readers Cup

Readers Cup is a Queensland based academic event which harnesses the reading skills of students within a competitive environment.  To be successful in this competition, students are asked to read and comprehend five age specific books. At the regional competition 25 teams from many Townsville and surrounding primary schools compete to demonstrate their understanding of the selected books

The students at St Joseph's Catholic School, The Strand have a long history of competing in the regional competition and taking home the major prize. Ms Belinda Walker, Teacher Librarian at St Joseph's, The Strand said, “It is wonderful to listen to high level readers discussing book characters, themes and plots.  They make incredible connections to other books and life in general.  The knowledge they gain from reading is incredible and assists the students in their academic and personal life.”

The 2022 Joey’s team comprising of Sienna, Georgia, Daniel and Audrey headed to Brisbane recently for the State Finals. In a tight competition with the best schools in the state, our team did exceptionally well but were unable to secure a win.  They did however receive a prize for their digital presentation, meet an amazing author and enjoyed touring the State Library.  Congratulations to all involved.

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