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Maggies' Festival #11 - We are Back

14 September 2022 | Posted in Creative Arts

Maggies' Festival #11 - We are Back

What a great feeling for our 115 students (and our Arts staff) involved in this year's Maggies' Festival -to be able to perform to an audience again after going though a couple of years performing via Livestream and small audience events.  Our own Benedictine Place was the chosen venue and as our theme beamed out from the projection "Light it Up" - our new hall shone brightly and is proving to be a wonderful venue for many activities.

The concert was a variety-style show and there was no doubting the high calibre of our student talent both on and off the stage.  This year for the first time we invited students to help with the lighting, audio, running the projections and also helping as crew.  Our Arts Service Leaders compered.  All students did their jobs very well for which we thank them.  The show began and the talent on stage totally amazed the audience.  Our dancers, Soloists, Musicians, String and Guitar ensemble members, Bella Voce Choir, Rock Band and our Drama students gave the audience a wonderful night of entertainment.  Our Visual Art students also impressed, through their displays both in the hall and on the screen.  The hilarious Year 9 'Silent Movie' drama video had the audience in stitches!  We were not short of variety, that's for sure!

Our P&F were kept extremely busy feeding the masses before the show and at Interval and we thank them most sincerely for being a part of this event.

The Arts Staff are to be congratulated for giving our students opportunity to shine through performances which were the result of many hours rehearsal, polishing and perfecting.  We are so proud of all the performers on the night and we can truly say "The Arts are Alive at St Margaret Mary's College!"

Nancy Nicholson
Producer- Maggies' Festival of the Arts
St Margaret Mary's College

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