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Founders Day 2024: A Celebration of Community in the Burdekin Catholic Schools

30 July 2024

Founders Day 2024: A Celebration of Community in the Burdekin Catholic Schools

The magic of faith, hope and love was shining bright across the Burdekin on Friday, 26th July as Burdekin Catholic High School, St Colman’s Catholic School, and St Francis Catholic School celebrated their annual Founders’ Day.  This cherished tradition honours those who laid the groundwork in forming our schools and we gather to reflect on our rich history, celebrate being a Catholic School and look forward to a future filled with hope, faith and love.

The day started with a combined Catholic schools’ Mass presided over by Fr Manoj, Parish Priest of the Burdekin Parish. We were joined by Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort and  members of our Parish community.  Mass was a joy filled event as all three schools embraced the theme of Communities of Faith, Love and Hope.  During his homily Fr Manoj taught us a song that reminded us that it is the responsibility of each and everyone of us to build community. The song highlighted the importance of not only playing our individual part but also the significance of working together in order to build a strong community that is grounded in faith, hope and love.

After Mass, the schools shared a meal, before moving into activities designed to bring all three schools together in community.   Students in Prep - Year 4 participated in art and craft, music and games activities that allowed students to embrace this year’s theme and connect to their faith, as well as feel and express love and hope.  Students in Year 5 - Year 9 participated in sport, music and art activities which saw them develop their teamwork, problem solving and communication skills. 

The day’s celebrations concluded with a video montage of the three schools as well as a highlight reel of the day's festivities.

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