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Digital Accessibility for All

5 June 2023 | Posted in Inclusive Education; Learning and Teaching; Student Support Services

Digital Accessibility for All

By Morgan Lund

Inclusive Education Coordinator

Townsville Catholic Education

Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) is about getting everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion. More than one billion people live with disability globally, who are underserved by today’s digital products. Someone with a disability must be able to experience the wonders of the web on the same basis as those without a disability. 

Some common challenges faced on websites and digital platforms include:

  • Visual: People who are blind need alternative text descriptions for meaningful images and use the keyboard and not a mouse to interact with interactive elements.
  • Hearing: People who are deaf or hard of hearing will need captioning for video presentations and visual indicators in place of audio cues.
  • Motor: People with motor impairments may need alternative keyboards, eye control or some other adaptive hardware to help them type and navigate on their devices.
  • Cognitive: An uncluttered screen, consistent navigation and the use of plain language would be useful for people with different learning disabilities/impairments.

Every day, students are accessing web-based content, services and other digital products. This year a support tool, Read&Write, has been made available for Townsville Catholic Education schools to enrich the teaching and digital experience. 

The Read&Write toolbar provides students with access to a suite of twenty different reading support tools, such as text to speech, highlighters, voice notes and audiomaker. It is particularly useful for students with learning difficulties, those with a mild visual impairment or students who have English as an Additional Language.  

Global Accessibility Day was held last month on May 18th, we are encouraging businesses to answer the call and complete a Web Accessibility Evaluation for their organisations. 
For more information, visit  

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