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Celebrating Laudato Si' Week

12 May 2022 | Posted in Sustainability; Learning and Teaching; Catholic Identity

Celebrating Laudato Si' Week

By Mary Mudge

System Religious Education Advisor

Townsville Catholic Education

Laudato Si’ Week, a celebration of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’: On Care For Our Common Home, and a call to action for Catholics around the world, is being celebrated 16-24 May, 2022. 

What is Laudato Si’?
In 2015,  Pope Francis wrote to the world, and Catholics in particular, “On the Care for Our Common Home” or ‘Laudato Si’ as it is called in Italian. Over the past seven years many Diocesan schools staff have examined the encyclical both personally and corporately.

We are reminded that human beings are part of nature and, together with other creatures, bonded in one family, one community of life on earth. 

Many schools are working conscientiously in environmental education, sustainable living practices, development of their school grounds, the creational environmental prayer and liturgy practices and the many social justice practices like the enhancement of indigenous cultures and service of the poor.

Pope Francis calls us to a spirituality of love and respect for all creation in the one community of life on earth. Most of all he is full of hope that we can meet this urgent challenge to the future of ‘Our Common Home’.

To celebrate Laudato Si’ Week, nine reflection sheets containing reflection, prayer and action ideas for the head, heart and hands have been created. These can be found here. These can be used each day, or you can select the sheet that is most relevant to your context or to the Laudato Si’ Goal that you are focusing on.

We hope that the action ideas might stimulate your thinking about what can be done in your context, so feel free to adapt them and to think of more you can do and let yourself be moved by the Spirit.

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