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Our Philosophy
Townsville Catholic Education is strongly committed to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education in our Catholic schools.
Acknowledgement of Country
We acknowledge the traditional owner groups upon whose lands our Catholic schools are situated. We honour the spiritual heritage of our First Nations Australians who teach us so much about love of country, family and community.
Our Philosophy:
We acknowledge and celebrate the traditional custodians and owners of the land on which our schools and offices are built. We respect the learning and ceremony that has taken place over many thousands of years.
We appreciate the diversity of our First Nation's peoples, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of these Australian lands and waters.
We appreciate the diversity of cultural beliefs, protocols, and traditions and support those with whom hold of the knowledge to share it with others within our community.
We acknowledge the critical role education plays in building a just, equitable and open-minded community that appreciates its cultural diversity, and in particular, values First Nations cultures as a key part of the nation’s past, present and future.
We believe that a student’s social, emotional, spiritual, physical and cognitive development is to be nurtured through; parental and community engagement and partnerships, effective use of culturally responsive pedagogy, the establishment of high expectations relationships, and offering high quality educational programs.
To promote positive educational outcomes for our Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students, and all students in our schools.
Position Statement
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