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7 Reasons Why Teaching is Such A Rewarding Career Path

13 May 2024

7 Reasons Why Teaching is Such A Rewarding Career Path

By John Nuttall

Townsville Catholic Education

Like all professions, teaching has its challenges and rewarding moments. I began my teaching career in 1988, and I can honestly say that the profession's rewarding aspects outweigh any hardship. I feel blessed that I chose this career when I left school.

For those who are considering becoming a teacher, here are some great reasons that highlight the value of having a career in teaching. 

Make a positive impact on your community

When I reflect on the rewarding aspects of my career, the first thing that springs to mind is the wonderful relationships you form with your students, parents, colleagues, and the community as a whole. It is a privilege to see a student thrive in front of your eyes. It is rewarding to see them understand a concept they were struggling with, laugh and interact with their classmates or celebrate a win together on the sporting field. 

Become a pillar of the local community

On some occasions, you witness students grow up well into adulthood. I have been lucky enough to teach some students in primary school, coach them as adults, and even work alongside them. It is cool to see some of the students I taught take on teaching as their career. It goes without saying that you stay friendly with their parents, and it is always nice to chat and see how their children are doing.

Become a role model for the next generation

Another rewarding aspect of teaching as a career is the potential to make a difference in the lives of your students. I’m sure students are not inspired by statesman-like speeches during lessons. Teachers can make a difference by being great role models, showing they care, listening deeply, being fair, and making all students feel welcome in a class. When I looked back at the teachers I admired, it was the ones who were uncomplicated, even-tempered, made sense and could laugh at themselves. The teachers who were very special were the ones who could see the potential in you, motivated you and supported you when you needed it. To potentially have this impact on a person or group of people is a rewarding feeling that not many other careers can replicate.

Globally recognised skills

Of course, knowing your content and imparting knowledge and skills to your students underpins everything we do as teachers, and this is why it is important that teachers keep learning and improving their craft. Teaching is so rewarding because you are constantly challenged to grow, learn to take on ideas, and let go of some practices that may not be the best. I think the teachers who can embrace this concept are the ones who thrive in our current state.

Clear career pathways and growth

Teaching can be a demanding profession, but it is also a career with many options for advancement and the opportunity to specialise in areas that are your strengths and interests. It is a job that is valued and required all over the world and offers job security and stability.

Share your passion and ideas

Teaching is a career that allows people to be creative and use their professional judgement to choose teaching strategies that work for the students they teach. The rewarding aspect of teaching is that no day is the same; while teachers may teach the same topic, the students in their class will always ensure that the dynamics are always different. This challenges teachers to think on the run and make adjustments when needed. It makes for a day that flies and that sense of satisfaction when it concludes. 

Enjoy a balanced lifestyle

Teaching is a collaborative occupation, more than ever. I have always treasured working with other teachers and support staff, learning from each other and sharing the load. I have been very lucky to work with excellent people. Most people working in schools are there for the right reasons, and on balance, our schools are great places to work.

Final thoughts

Being a teacher gives you hope for the future. The overwhelming majority of students in our schools are unreal. They are respectful, great fun, and want to do their best for you and their fellow students. They are community-minded and have a good sense of right and wrong. They are a pleasure to work with and be around.

My wife became a teacher later in life after completing an economics degree and working in the banking sector. She hasn’t looked back and is now a school principal. I was also very pleased when one of my daughters followed us into teaching after completing a science degree. I knew she would enjoy it, and she does. I’d encourage everyone to consider becoming a teacher; it is a great job.

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